CoQsol ® (CoQ10) 60 softgels per bottle


Quantity: 60 softgels

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$49.95 $44.95



CoQsol ® is a US made, proprietary formula combines naturally fermented Co Enzyme Q10 with natural vitamin E and Betatene ® (natural mixed carotenoids including beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.)

CoQsol ® is a potent antioxidant and cardiovascular protector. Research confirms the superior bioavailability of CoQsol ® over other forms of Co enzyme Q10. CoQ10 is an essential mitochondrial nutrient- it is used to help provide the energy our cells need to function. The highest concentrations of CoQ10 are in cardiac (heart) muscle but exists in high amounts in all muscle cells.

CoQsol is also a potent antioxidant and can help prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in blood vessels. Additionally, CoQ10 helps neutralise free radicals released within mitochondria from energy generation.

Some illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, CFS, Polymyalgia and neurodegenerative diseases especially Parkinson’s disease create increased demands for CoQ10. Additionally, statin cholesterol lowering medications can restrict CoQ10 production which can lead to muscle weakness and pain. Our ability to create CoQ10 diminishes with age which is why many experts recommend supplementation from age 50.

Each Soft gel Contains

Co enzyme Q10 102mg
Vitamin E 100IU (natural alpha, bea, delta an gamma tocopherols)
Mixed Carotenoids (Betatene ®) 2567IU


Recommended dose: 1-2 capsule daily.

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